Friday, June 19, 2009

Bride Wars!!!!! Mari Vs Mary

Watched 'Bride Wars' last Friday and boom! I liked it! I could see Liv (Kate Hudson) donning my traits in the exact manner as I do and Emma( Anne Hathaway) was sooooooooo much like my sweet-sugar dripping sister! If I ever go ranting about my sister's strategy of torturing me, then it would rather be best described the way Emma's behaved in the movie....a sweet submissive girl, and when the time comes she growls, rants and roars and even pins the other girl down, if the need of the hour be so. My sis (btw her name is- Mari) has pinned me down quite lot many times..(LITERALLY!) and what really annoys me is that whenever I go and tell anyone about this hidden dark-darker-darkest shade of hers, NO-ONE believes that! After knowing me for quite sometime, if somebody happens to meet my sister, they are enamored by every lil thing about her..her smile, her politeness, her mannerisms, her etiquettes...phew!!!! Give me a break! coz then follows the constant comparison b/w her and an extent that I've heard a friend of mine saying that how do I and my sister co-exist in the same's like the Lion and the lamb together!!! But, heyy! u know wht?!?!?!?! She's a wolf in disguise of a lamb! nope. seriously!!!I wish that she reads this and goes all blue and green..Muahahhahahaha..I believe, the above pictur eof hers says a lot about how she makes my life miserable by punching me left and right all the way when I am thrown onto the bed with me gasping for some breath and all the way begging her to stop torturing me!!

And now back to the movie....I proved myself wrong. Firstly, cos I used to think tht I wasn't meant for all-girlie's movie..but I have come to realize after watching this movie is that as a gender group, we seem to feel that a truly feminine woman probably doesn't have what it takes- or, at least, isn't PERCEIVED as having what it
takes - to earn respect amongst the masculine ranks, climb the career ladder, and kick corporate ass. This is a pretty outdated concept. It was birthed in the 1980s, along with the power suit,the shoulder pads, the female mullet, and all the other more insidious) ways of encouraging women to be LIKE MEN ... to deny the very essence of their womanhood. In this period, women grew to believe that in order to succeed in the professional world,they had to be LIKE MEN. And to a large extent,they were right. The "ballbusters" were the ones who landed the big contracts (and eventually bumped their scalps on the glass ceiling), while the "girly girls" were doomed to be secretaries and PA's until the day they retired. That attitude-the attitude of "women can do anything men can do BECAUSE WE'RE ALL THE SAME" -has now toned itself down a little bit in the workplace and the public domain. It persists, though, in the way that many women handle themselves and consciously shape their images and personalities.

It's as though our femininity is a sign of weakness - as though it embarrasses us. my research into this fascinating subject, I've come across an even MORE fascinating double standard: that it's OK to acknowledge that men and women are different within the arenas of biology and relationship science, but in all other areas,it's an enormous faux pas to do so.

Recent research into the human brain and the chemical makeup to be found therein has proven time and again that men and women are ESSENTIALLY DIFFERENT.

For example, men's brains are bigger and heavier, but women's brains are more complex, chemically speaking.Men have more gray matter (responsible for logic and spatial ability), women's brains have more white matter and a larger corpus callosum(responsible for language, communication, and interchanges between the left and right hemispheres of the brain).

Gender-neutrality may be what's required in the boardroom, but it has no place in the bedroom. If you want sizzling passion in your romantic and sexual life,you haveto live true to your sexual essence. And for any woman, that means embracing one's femininity.

It's all gotta do with learning to embrace and celebrate everything that is feminine about you.

And for once-in-a-while it's good to watch such movie that is so relaxing in a manner that all the way it makes you go giggle ga while making you come to terms with the acceptance of your matching feminine traits with that of the female protagonists of the movie.


  1. Dear Mary
    I guess you had a dual purpose in mind while writing this. One,to pronounce that your sister has a personality different from her demeanour and secondly how important it is for a woman to accept and celebarte her feminity. Leaving the family story behind, I quite enjoyed the second part.Its all about how comfortable you are in your skin,and I guess now many women have started feeling 'potent' enough in their form to be in a world which is inhabited by just two sexes, but still percieved to be controlled by one so called dominant sex.

  2. Interesting read though, the way you are put in being comfortable with your feminity and more essentially, comfortable with what you are and why you are.... For once you have written something so direct and haven't built a virtual situation, or a metaphorical simile....

  3. The 1st half kinda reminds me of my relationship with my brother. But in my case my mom makes it a point to tell every1 she meets that, my puppy face can be deceiving my brother is the innocent 1. Grrr... How tht ticks me off!

    But the 1's to blame here are the ppl!! Y cant they jst treat us both as seperate entities rather than scrutinizin n comparin everythin we do?

    Y can't u sing like ur brotha? Y can't u comb ur hair like ur brotha? Y cant u wax ur legs like ur brotha?(oops! I've revealed too much :P) BECAUSE I'M NOT MY BROTHA!!

    As for the 2nd half there r 3 possible explainations:
    1. She was the son the father never had :)
    2. Coz she likes power - to be in control. N inorder to keep power they have to cover up their weakness. And when it comes to weakness', women have a lot of em...

    She likes attention n being checked out by hot guys - so she dresses up like a guy inorder to avoid tht n to be in control.

    She is a fragile being but acts all bossy n tuff so that they dont notice her soft side.

    3. Some ppl are into cross dressing.

    Some of it might not make sense bcoz it is senseless! I'm bored thts all... :)

    PS: Men hav only 1 weakness - Women! Shhh... thts our li'l secret.

  4. The 1st half kinda reminds me of my relationship with my brother. But in my case my mom makes it a point to tell every1 she meets that, my puppy face can be deceiving my brother is the innocent 1. Grrr... How tht ticks me off!

    But the 1's to blame here are the ppl!! Y cant they jst treat us both as seperate entities rather than scrutinizin n comparin everythin we do?

    Y can't u sing like ur brotha? Y can't u comb ur hair like ur brotha? Y cant u wax ur legs like ur brotha?(oops! I've revealed too much :P) BECAUSE I'M NOT MY BROTHA!!

    As for the 2nd half there r 3 possible explainations:
    1. She was the son the father never had :)
    2. Coz she likes power - to be in control. N inorder to keep power they have to cover up their weakness. And when it comes to weakness', women have a lot of em...

    She likes attention n being checked out by hot guys - so she dresses up like a guy inorder to avoid tht n to be in control.

    She is a fragile being but acts all bossy n tuff so that they dont notice her soft side.

    3. Some ppl are into cross dressing.

    Some of it might not make sense bcoz it is senseless! I'm bored thts all... :)

    PS: Men hav only 1 weakness - Women! Shhh... thts our li'l secret.
